• Exam: FCE-O
  • Course:
  • Part 2, Exam 1


For questions 1 - 8, read the text below and type the word which best fits each gap.
Use only 1 word in each gap and type your answer in the answer box.

The pass mark for this exam is 60% or over.

The recommended time for this exam is 10 minutes or under.


I don't agree ......WITH............what you say.

Perfume 1

A scent or a perfume usually consists of an alcoholic solution containing what are known (1) essential oils. These oils are obtained from plants and include sandalwood and rosemary. The essential oils are collected (2) a variety of ways, including the use of steam, the use of solvents and mechanical processes. The aroma of orange and other citrus fruits is usually obtained by taking off the peel and then crushing it. Sometimes, for reasons of expense, synthetic chemicals are used (3) of natural oils. They are also used when manufacturers wish to create a fragrance that is unknown in nature.

Chemicals called fixatives are added (4) the essential oils to hold them together. These fixatives prevent them from disappearing into the atmosphere too quickly. Alcohol is then added, and the exact kind of perfume which is produced (5) on the amount of alcohol used. Cologne, for example, may contain between two and six percent essential oils, while aftershave can contain (6) little as half a per cent.

Each perfume is made up of three main sorts of smell: the top note, the middle note and the base note. Top note smells include such light aromas (7) lemon. Sage or marjoram are typical of the oils chosen for the middle note, while sandalwood is (8) common use as a base note.

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