• Exam: FCE
  • Course: SPEAKING
  • Part 1, Exam 1


Position the words given to complete the conversations making them grammaticaly correct.

Drag and drop or type the words given, to create the correct answers.

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Hello, I would like to ask you some questions about yourself. Do you like travelling?


Yes, I like travelling very 1) , because I enjoy meeting new people and seeing 2) they live. I am interested 3) different foods and different 4) .


Which was the last country you visited?


My family and I try visit a new country 5) summer. Last year we went to Greece, which I 6) very much because it was warm and sunny and the people 7) very friendly.


Which country would you like to visit in the future and why?


If I had the chance I 8) like to visit new zealand because I 9) heard it is very, very beautiful. Unfortunately , it is 10) very, very far away.


Do you prefer travelling with your family or your friends?


I enjoy both, but they are very different. I enjoy travelling with 11) family because my parents 12) for everything and we go to nice restaurants but I am not free to do what I want. When I travel with my friends I can do 13) I like but we never have enough money.


Do you prefer camping or staying in hotels?


Staying in hotels is nice, but you have to 14) very formal in the way you dress, and the way you 15) . Camping allows you to be 16) more flexible, and you can dress as you like.

Possible answers:

  • A) how
  • B) in
  • C) much
  • D) cultures

  • E) liked
  • F) every
  • G) were

  • H) have
  • I) also
  • J) would

  • K) my
  • L) whatever
  • M) pay

  • N) behave
  • O) be
  • P) much

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