• Exam: KET-O
  • Course:
  • Part 5, Exam 2


For questions 1 - 8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, or C) best fits each gap.
Choose the correct answer, drag it and drop it, or type the corresponding letter into the corresponding box.

The pass mark for this exam is 70% or over.

The recommended time for this exam is 6 minutes or under.


  • (1) :
  • A) AN
  • B) THE
  • C) A

NEW Drag and drop now works on all mobile devices.

The Crocodile 1

Crocodiles are large aquatic reptiles that live throughout (1) tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. They are most comfortable (2) slow-moving water, but when they need to, they (3) move very quickly over land or through water. They are social animals and are often seen in groups. Being carnivores, they (4) anything they can catch, (5) fish, birds, animals or even people, and there are (6) than ten different types of crocodiles. (7) creatures have very special teeth because not only are they very sharp, but when they fall out, they are replaced very quickly. Normally crocodiles are about 3m long, but sometimes they can be much (8) , and live to be about 50 years old.

(1) A) an B) the C) a
(2) A) in B) on C) at
(3) A) are B) can C) have
(4) A) eats B) eat C) ate
(5) A) by B) like C) to
(6) A) more B) most C) many
(7) A) This B) That C) These
(8) A) bigger B) big C) biggest

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