• Exam: KET-O
  • Course:
  • Part 5, Exam 1


For questions 1 - 8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, or C) best fits each gap.
Choose the correct answer, drag it and drop it, or type the corresponding letter into the corresponding box.

The pass mark for this exam is 70% or over.

The recommended time for this exam is 6 minutes or under.


  • (1) :
  • A) AT
  • B) OF
  • C)FOR

NEW Drag and drop now works on all mobile devices.

Good Queen Bess 1

There have been two Elizabeths as queen (1) England, the present one, and one who was born in 1533, (2) 500 years ago. The first one was the daughter of Henry the (3) and Anne Boleyn, and her father was famous (4) he had had six wives (5) various times of his life. The king had loved Anne Boleyn, who was beautiful and intelligent, (6) because she could not give him a son, he had taken another wife. During her early years, Elizabeth's life was constantly in danger because (7) politics and religion, but she survived and (8) queen in 1559. She reigned for 44 years and died in 1603, aged 69.

(1) A) at B) of C) for
(2) A) almost B) in C) quite
(3) A) eight B) eighth C) eighty
(4) A) why B) for C) because
(5) A) at B) with C) in
(6) A) although B) despite C) but
(7) A) of B) were C) in
(8) A) made B) became C) did

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