• Exam: FCE-O
  • Course:
  • Part 3, Exam 3


You are given a piece of text with eight spaces.

You are also given a set of words for each space which you need to change to create the correct word for each space.

Type the correct word in the input box and you can only type one word per space.

The pass mark for this exercise is 60% or over and you need to be able to do this exercise in the exam in about 10 minutes.


His family is not very .....HAPPY.......... HAPPINESS

Architecture 1

A popular magazine on architecture hosts a skyscraper design (1) every year. The impression most entrants have is of giant buildings taller than anything under construction today. This however, is not the case, as the most impressive (2) this year went in the opposite direction. The well-known Malaysian designer Sarly Adre bin Sarkum's (3) to the problem of conceiving a different kind of development was to drop his building straight downwards into the sea. He deliberately designed it to contrast with the (4) that make up most of the entries, and to highlight sustainable architecture . His self-sufficient 'water-scraper' would be similar in height (5) to the Empire State Building, but with only a couple of storeys above the sea's surface. Wind, solar, and wave power would provide energy and a green space containing forests and agricultural areas at the top would (6) food and oxygen. living and work areas would be below the sea's surface. The structure would be kept level by giant tentacles. The tentacles would also (7) electricity through ocean movements. No one is building anything like this now, but it is (8) to be certain of what our future accommodation needs will be. Land will become scarcer as population growth accelerates and, since approximately 70 % of the Earth's surface is ocean, cities in the sea may one day be a necessity.

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