• Exam: FCE-O
  • Course:
  • Part 3, Exam 2


You are given a piece of text with eight spaces.

You are also given a set of words for each space which you need to change to create the correct word for each space.

Type the correct word in the input box and you can only type one word per space.

The pass mark for this exercise is 60% or over and you need to be able to do this exercise in the exam in about 10 minutes.


His family is not very .....HAPPY.......... HAPPINESS

Coincidence 1

When John and Mary Jones met a (1) couple on holiday in Turkey also called John and Mary but with a different surname: Lewis, they were surprised at the (2) . But when they got into conversation with their namesakes, they made some (3) discoveries and realized that they had much more in common. The two couples, both over sixty and from Wales, had (4) their trips to Istanbul at the same time. This was not so unusual. However, both couples had had their (5) at 3 p.m. on June 12 th, 1954. Both couples each had a daughter and a son, with dates of birth in 1956 and 1959 , and three grandchildren. Mr Jones was a butcher in Cardiff; Mr Lewis did (6) the same job but in Swansea. Their wives, who had both worked for the same bank, had both lost their (7) rings and were wearing identical gold watches. 'I'm sure there are many people with similar (8) but to meet our doubles was unbelievable.

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