• Exam: PET-O
  • Course:
  • Part 5, Exam 5


For questions 1 - 10, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
Choose the correct answer, drag it and drop it, or type the corresponding letter into the corresponding box.

The pass mark for this exam is 60% or over.

The recommended time for this exam is 10 minutes or under.


  • (0) :
  • A) ON
  • B) IN
  • C) AT
  • D) FROM

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The Icehotel

The Icehotel is a hotel made from snow and ice each year in the village of Jukkasjärvi, which is (0) Swedish Lapland. and where winter temperatures can reach -40C. Even so, 6,000 holidaymakers (1) go there annually. The hotel, including the chairs and beds, is made (2) snow and ice blocks taken from the nearby Torne River, and if you want to, you can (3) get married there, because, besides bedrooms, it also has an ice chapel. There is a bar, with glasses made of ice, but putting hot drinks on it is not (4) . Although the temperature of the bedrooms is around -4c, the guests are (5) with special sleeping bags to keep (6) warm, and (7) outdoor clothes can also be supplied, if necessary. (8) the hotel melts in summer, it is never more than six months old, and it is rebuilt (9) winter. Constructing it (10) 10,000 tonnes of ice, plus 30,000 tonnes of snow.

(0) A) on B) in C) at D) from
(1) A) therefore B) ever C) also D) still
(2) A) by B) of C) within D) for
(3) A) even B) however C) already D) yet
(4) A) supported B) recognised C) recommended D) agreed
(5) A) given B) offered C) provided D) delivered
(6) A) these B) those C) they D) them
(7) A) suitable B) convenient C) aceptable D) satisfactory
(8) A) Although B) Because C) So D) While
(9) A) other B) any C) each D) another
(10) A) brings B) puts C) fetches D) takes

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