• Exam: KET-O
  • Course: SPEAKING
  • Part 2, Exam 4


You are given 2 images.

Use the information in the image on the left to form the required questions.

Use the information in the image on the right to form the required answers.

Choose the correct words, drag and drop them into the corresponding box or type them, to form the correct question or its corresponding answer.

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writing essay



1 the hospital?

A) What is the name of
B) What name is
C) What the name of


1 animal hospital.

D) Its name is Mary's
E) The name Mary's
F) The name its Mary's


2 birds?

A) Do it treat
B) Does it treat
C) Does it make OK the


D) It treats all animals.
E) Every animal they are treated.
F) All animal is treated.


3 parking?

A) There is
B) Their is
C) Do they have

3 of the clinic.

D) There is parking at the rear
E) The parking it is at the rear
F) It is there at the rear


4 address?

A) Where is the hospital's
B) What the hospital's
C) What is the hospital's

4 street.

D) The address 72 High
E) Its address is 72 High
F) They are address 72 High

Open Sundays?

5 Sundays?

A) They are open
B) They open on
C) Are they open on

5 week.

D) Yes, they open seven days a
E) Yes, it opens all
F) Yes, is open all

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