• Exam: KET-O
  • Course: READING
  • Part 6, Exam 3


Read the description of the words required.

Identify the word for each description.

Type your answers in the answer box.

The pass mark for this exam is 70% or over.

The recommended time for this exam is 6 minutes or under.


0 You can watch actors in a play here THEATRE

1 You can take photos of your holiday with this.

(Six letters starting with C)

2 To make chips, you put potatoes in oil and do this.

(Three letters starting with F)

3 This is part of the school year.

(Four letters starting with T)

4 If you have worked hard all day, you feel like this.

(Five letters starting with T)

5 If you don't understand a word, you can look in this.

(Ten letters starting with D)

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